The content provided within this project is designated as Open Educational Resources (OERs), intended for free and open use by educators, trainers, and organisations worldwide. Users are encouraged to freely access, adapt, and distribute the materials for educational purposes, with the understanding that attribution to the original source is appreciated. By embracing the principles of openness and collaboration, we aim to foster innovation, promote inclusivity, and advance knowledge sharing in the subject fields.
- Supporting the professional development of early and primary school teachers on digital skills and intervention methods to first aid, and chronic illnesses.
- Developing school-based first aid modules and intervention in physical injury and some chronic diseases.
- Increasing institutional capacity and professionalism to work at EU/international level: enhanced management competencies and internationalization strategies. Extending the network of each partner to different new geographies and sectors.
The above will be delivered via a synchronised online and mobile (Android, iOS) LMS (learning management system).